Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

Garbage Reforms

It's another Thursday. No private class with my translation professor today. She said it was her turn to do some striking duties and so she wasn't able to hold class with me. In the afternoon, I had my DEFLE art history class. We had a "devoir sur table" or rather a quiz. It was not bad. All we had to do was analyze the painting. Our professor had gone through several paintings before, so I had an idea as to what he wanted. And as an added bonus he quizzed us on a painting he had already discussed. It was L'Absinthe or its alternate title Dans un café (In a Café) by Edgar Degas. As a side note, I was able to see the original painting when I went to Paris at Musée d'Orsay.

Later in the day, I went to a café with my roommate and a couple of mutual friends. But right before we met, a manifestation was happening as I was getting off the tram at Hôtel de Ville. They had blocked the tram and it was unable to move for at least 10 or so minutes. These manifestations are really something to see. Students and professors are so into fighting for what they believe in.

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