Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The Secret Garden?

We had a disturbed night so slept on into the morning and rose very late.

Mum had her breakfast just before I had my lunch!!

It was much milder today and the ice had all gone. The winds were very blustery. I decided that I would go out even if it was raining. I just did the circuit from home to Haughton Mains farm and back. I met a small number of walkers, mostly with dogs.

On my way home, I took Margret's bin back to it's usual place. We had a collection of recycling rubbish today. She arrived so we had a chat. I did not have any images I wanted to use for blip, so I had a go at capturing the old door between her garden and the big house. Her land and ours used to be part of the garden of the big house. Ours was an old paddock. I love mysterious doors like this one.

Back home and I had an extensive search for my diaries. Every room was scoured at least once. They had fallen/been pushed off my desk and were hidden. Phew!

I'm making Savoury Carrot Layer for dinner. I can smell it cooking now. Then the Tynedale Photo Group had a Wildcard meeting. The people presenting (not me tonight) can chose the theme for the panel of six images they present. By the time the pandemic is over, we will have forgotten how to print!

Time to cook vegetables and pour a glass of wine.

PS I happened to spot a blip from cosmosellie which included a very old friend of our family. How about that?!

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