Banged Up Again D007 Foot Traffic
A long day of Zoom calls, luckily two of which were cancelled so I only had six. Mostly to do with people and project risks. We're terminating a contract with a supplier in two weeks and they arent being very professional about it.
Student 1 got very upset when she was asked to choose between seeing her younger half brother or her Grannie. They're two different households, on top of this one, and while we've been fairly OK about her going to see her Mum (and brother) we can't risk her going from one to the other at the moment. Grannie (MiL) has had her vaccine but it still doesn't stop her catching it if she's exposed and there's a lot of foot traffic at her Mother's house. Himself will have to try again later.
MiL care needs are also coming to a head again. She needs someone to visit every day really although it's only delaying the inevitable. Himself's brother is being his usual useless self.
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