Here we go again – Day 7

Just watching the news. Lock down could be tightened? Mmmmm............... not sure how that's going to be enforced. Nobody seems to be following the rules anyway. At the start of 'proper' lock-down there was nobody waiting at bus stops, there was no traffic on the roads, there were no takeaway coffee shops open, there were no shops open for click & collect, except for supermarkets. As far as Ann is concerned the only shops that should be open are supermarkets and pharmacies. For example, today we walked past our local toy shop. It was open for 'click and collect'. Why? Yesterday Ann went to Superdrug to pick up a lipstick that she'd ordered. Firstly a lipstick is not really an 'essential' item. And secondly, why is Superdrug even open anyway? It doesn't have a pharmacy so it shouldn't be open. The trouble is; if these non-essential shops are open then people will go to them.


This whole lock down thing is just a joke. We're not allowed to go to our home in Cornwall by ourselves but it's OK to stand in a queue at a coffee takeaway or M&S. It's farcical. To be honest, in the last couple of months, the only person that Ann has had contact with for longer than 15 mins is her friend, Fiona, that she went for a walk with on 30th December and her support bubble, Susi, who she sees about once a week. And when Susi comes to our house they both sit on separate sofas and when Ann goes to Susi's house they sit at opposite ends of a big kitchen table.

OK RANT over.

Today we trekked around for 8.59 miles. Didn't have anything else to do so Ann made me walk and walk and walk. When we got home, Ann lay on the sofa and watched two episodes of 'Bridgerton' and I just snoozed in my bed.

We need a new project for my walks. Any suggestions???

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