Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Snow on the Pentlands.

This must be the day for spills. Bought a catering size pack of washing powder yesterday (to go with the catering size pack of toilet rolls, kitchen rolls and (for some reason) chocolate chips!) all the things the Weegie Household needs in abundance.

The box had a soggy bottom and emptied itself on the utility room floor. I had no sooner cleaned it up - when making dinner, someone had previously opened a jumbo pack of Basmati Rice and not sealed it or emptied it into the rice jar...rice flew everywhere.

Now my poor wee Dyson is clogged up ! Grrr.

Gorgeous views of the Pentlands today - so I picked up No 3 and offered to take her to a park we rarely frequent to bag a blip.

I regretted this immediately as the field you walk through to get to the swings had been used for football/rugby recently and with the melting snow was a muddy bog!

No 3 was delighted and ran off. I squelched through in my practising-sophistication-in-my-high-heeled-interview-boots.

Now I have to clean them up too! is a blip of the Pentlands in their snowy glory!

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