And breathe.........

Everyone had a good night’s sleep last night, thankfully.
There were no disturbances.
When I crept downstairs in an unusually quiet house, to make a drink around 7.45 am, Sammy had made his breakfast and he and Libby were setting up the train set in the front room. Toby and Bonnie were still sleeping, amazingly enough. Their parents were thankful for a quiet night for once..
Stephen had a lie-in.
Once we had all breakfasted we watched the first Livestream Assembly put out by their school Head on Zoom, from his kitchen.
What a task school heads were landed in precipitately just a week ago today!
I won’t go through all he said to the children of the Primary school, just that I thought he addressed the problems and anxieties of the children very well.
We later took them out to a local play area situated outside a Community Centre, where there were a handful of young children with their mums.
They thoroughly enjoyed it.Letting off steam.
The three who go to school then did some “work” after lunch which was photographed as a record to send into their class teachers.
I played Pop n Hop with Toby 4yrs old. A board game like Ludo. He enjoys it without realising he is learning to recognise numbers on a dice and count well.
Sammy and Libby were each writing a story on a laptop. We have mine and Stephen’s for them to use.
Once Bonnie woke from her afternoon nap she busied herself in the kitchen with Stephen at one point, playing with some Costa coffee cups which had been washed, (as we’d all had takeaway hot chocolates and coffees delivered after coming home from the play ground). She spent the time putting them in and out of each other and lining them up to do it all over again. A time honoured past-time.
He videoed her on his phone.
Toby likes dominoes and he and his Grandad lined them up for a knock down. I videoed it in slow motion. It’s fascinating to see.
Being Monday their dad was working up in our office cum bedroom, this morning, and again after lunch once Bonnie finished her nap.
So passes another day of activity.
With lunch and dinner in between!
Good to see the big table surrounded once more. I’m not precious about spills and bits of food which end up on the carpet. Some things are far more important.
After all we do have a Dyson! As our son works for them.
And cloths for spillages when necessary.
There are the usual squabbles which you would expect, and a melt down or two, but they pass eventually, exhausting as some of them may be.
Tomorrow is another day.
All of us are trying to avoid the grim news about the virus. It’s like the elephant in the room.
There is talk of ending bubbles amongst it.
But as our son said, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it” and we’re all praying it never will.
Reading the news from America this morning is another salutary experience. Trump is really dangerous and the virus is rampant.
Neither he nor the virus show any signs of leaving.

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