Allotment bounty
I've been going through my external hard drive. So many photo's I'm sure more than half could be deleted but I just can't bring myself to do it. I would'nt miss most of them, as there are so many I can't possibly remember them all, but they all bring back memories, so great for time wasting.
I should be going through my allotment seeds to see what I have & have'nt got for the coming season. I brought them back from the plot earlier. I went up to cut some purple sprouting broccoli for dinner tonight. I also lifted a few parsnips, leeks, a turnip & some white radish. The ground is really wet & heavy, so had to give all the veggies a good swish off.None of the veggies would win any prizes, a couple of the parsnips are really dinky, but they will taste good. Some Xmas trees have been chipped up so I had a couple of wheel barrows of them, gave the blueberries a good mulch, plus a bit for a mucky patch on the path. You can see the fruits of my labours including the chipped Xmas tree mulch in the blip.
Had some positive feedback on my homemade preserves that I gave as Xmas pressies. The runner bean chutney, oriental plum chutney, & picallilli have all had the thumbs up. Trouble is I don't remember the recipes I used, some I tweaked, some I made up completely.
I cut my hair this morning. I've found the best way to do this is to be naked that way all the chopped, & I mean chopped, hair goes onto the floor of the bathroom (wet room, so no carpet etc.) I use my dressmaking scissors then fartnarkle with one of those combs with blades attached. I should have stopped there but I looked in the lounge mirror a little later and decided another bit needed to come off. Probably not required. Hey ho!!! Everybody is going to have bad hair days if they can't get to a salon. I'm thinking I might add a little colour. Jury's out on THE colour at the mo.
Right I'm off to cut hubby's hair now. Mum's tomorrow.
Thanks to LoisBiz for hosting Tiny Tuesday
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