
By JennyOwen

Winter sun

I've pushed on with my website construction today.  By early afternoon I really needed a break and a leg-stretch, so I walked down to the post office in a nearby neighbourhood and back. (I did have something to post...)

This took me past a tiny park (I think planners call them pocket parks). This one had some funding in the pre-austerity era, including a little public art installation.  It's a steel half-dome with mosaic hands reaching out to each other, and some little panels set into the surrounding paving.  This is all designed to fit in with the neighhourhood, which is - to use the euphemism - socially and economically diverse.

The work has worn all right, and the faint traces of footprints on the dome itself show that it's being enjoyed fully by local kids in their own ways :-)

I've often wanted to photograph it, but you have to catch it when sunlight isn't glaring on the shiny steel.  That worked out OK today.

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