
By pinktulip

First Birthday

Today is my little man, Joshua's birthday, he's one, which means this time one year ago, I was laid up in bed after a c.section all my visitors had gone, and was just me and my new little baby!

We bought Joshua a completely inappropriate present for a one year old, he has everything that Isobel had when she was little so had little need for anything one year old related. We saw a deal on what you see above and decided to get that for him. granted he won't be able to use it for another year or so, but it'll be worth it when he can! and in the meantime Isobel thinks it's her birthday as she's been riding round on it all day!

Sadly today hasn't been the best of days, Joshua has had terrible sickness and diarrhoea since Thursday night and we didn't get a reprieve for his birthday. Hopefully he'll perk up tomorrow. In the meantime, Happy Birthday baby boy. xx

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