
It's all getting a bit tense about how to interpret your exercise options throughout this latest lockdown isn't it? 

We still drove a short distance to park to access some green space.  We then did one of our longer local walks into the woods behind the Trentham Estate to Tittensor Chase and back via the Trent and Mersey Canal. We encountered very few people and got a good workout too. Never mind the benefit to our mental health and plenty of vitamin D curtesy of lots of sunshine. A perfect health boost all round.

A couple of horses were nibbling the greenery at the edge of their field beside the canal. And here's one of them. 

If I used the green space near me to exercise, it would be like walking across a muddy rugby pitch surrounded by traffic! Not particularly appealing, especially if you wish for a bit of peace and quiet, and clean country air. 

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