Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Showdown at the Bistro

I knew today would be a better day, and I was right. I thought I'd start the day on a cautious note, so took my tea and sat in front of the window overlooking our deck. (After first putting out some corn kernels and peanuts). As I'd hoped, the blue jays showed up immediately - they always seem to know within moments when I put peanuts out. So, I settled in to take some shots and, frankly, to be entertained.

Things were going along as predicted with blue jays whizzing in and out, grabbing peanuts, squawking, etc. Then the male red-bellied woodpecker showed up! He loves the dried corn kernels and he was not in the mood to share. He stood his ground as several different blue jays tried to scare him off - as you can see here, he was having none of it. Once he selected just the right kernel, he gave the blue jays one last glare and off he flew.

Trust nature to put a smile on my face and make me see that life does, indeed, go on. As a nature photographer, these are the shots that I love to get, the ones that show the bird/animal/big engaged in some sort of activity. It made me smile - I hope it makes you smile, too. There are a few other shots on Flickr, starting HERE.

Thank you for the condolences - it was a rough weekend and your friendship and sympathy touched me.

Hoping you have a great Monday.


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