My Day

Drove for two hours for a meeting. Got there as they declared a lock-down; nobody in and nobody out. Managed to wave to the person I was due to meet and turned around and came home.

Wandered down the garden with some rubbish and saw the corpses of the birds my neighbour's cat has caught. There is a "desire path" from a gap in the fence and across my garden to where the cat sits under my other neighbours tree - he has bird feeders in the tree and the cat waits.........

Turned on the PC and realised that something was amiss. The AV had stopped an infection but there was some residual stuff including a browser hijacker; cue an hour or so with reg edit and malware scans.

On the upside - M25 has been totally snookered this afternoon so if the meeting had gone ahead I'd have sat in a jam which the BBC estimated was adding more than 2 hours to the return trip. My arthritic knee has flared up so coming home meant that I could get some pain relief (I don't carry that when I'm out and about) and I got some work shifted that would have hung around and, finally, Sarah has hit the big 1095 blips!

So an interesting day to say the least. But not a bad one; just an interesting one and the gloves seem to sum it up.

Per Ardua Ad Astra!

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