Tiny Tuesday - must be nearly spring

I was unexpectedly greeted by rain and wind as I stepped outside into the darkness for my run today. However, the temperatures were mild again so getting a little bit wet wasn’t too much of a problem. I ran 6 miles, of what has become a regular route on dark mornings and said hello to John, who walks in the opposite direction to that I run and who I have seen most morning for the last year. Once home I did some weights, and then took my son on a 1.5 mile run before he had to get ready for ‘school’. I started taking him running in the first lockdown and he enjoys it, I think. He finds it hard, but he never gives up and is as good at sticking to a schedule as his mum. We came up with an exercise plan for him last week when we heard about lockdown and at his request, and he sticks to it. A replacement for his swimming until he is able to get back in the pool.

Today is tiny Tuesday and Tuesday is also the day during the week I don’t work, having shuffled my hours around a little while ago. It was before lockdown and I thought it would be good to work slightly longer on my work days and that having a day off would mean I could get things ‘done’. Now we can’t go anywhere I am dedicated my Tuesday to do some writing and work on my next book. I am yet to hear back from the agents I submitted my last one too but I will keep going and see what comes.

After the school working day and my ‘writing day’ had come to an end, I went for a short dog walk to meet a colleague to collect some post she picked up for me yesterday. I am avoiding going into the office as much as possible, however she chooses to go in on three of her days and so kindly offers to do such collections and drops for me, thereby limiting the numbers in the office. She started at the firm only a few weeks before I did and so is also relatively new to the firm. She is also rather a lot younger than me so I like to think that through our mutual ‘newbie’ status we have connected well with each other and she comes to me for support, emotionally as much as professionally, and I am more than happy to help where I can. It was lovely to see her, we walked and chatted and then I headed home to sort a few things out at home for dinner.

I picked up daffodils last week whilst shopping and are brightening my kitchen x

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