It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

The Happiness Scale

We're in the middle of a global pandemic, it's winter, cold and icy, I've got a mammoth amount of work to do and I hardly slept a wink last night. Don't ask where I am on the happiness scale right now!

Although I fell asleep quickly last night (I can fall asleep quickly anywhere....peat bogs, hillsides, beaches etc etc) but woke up at 2am. There wasn't anything, beyond the carnage and uncertainty facing everyone,  on my mind. But could I get back to sleep? I even listened to a drama about a Somalian refugee's fight with the Home Office (which put life into perspective) but that didn't work. Of course, I was ready for deep sleep when it was time to get up. I even considered taking a day off but had lots of teaching prep to get done.

Fortunately, with impending deadlines I was incredibly focussed, albeit a bit miserable. Goodness knows how teachers are coping because it is incredibly time consuming to prepare online teaching material every day and make it engaging. The good news was that I got what I needed to do done by just after 5pm.

At lunchtime, I wandered down to the harbour. It was very different to a few days ago, in which the sea was mirror calm and the grey of the sky merged into the grey of the Forth. It was a hive of activity in the harbour, with lots of people on their boats. I sat on the wall thinking about nothing. There were several others doing the same but surprisingly, they looked more miserable than me. 

After work, I got warmed up for a 10 mile TT on Zwift. I considered not doing it as I had a dull tiredness headache. But I coach a very talented athlete and I thought 'what would she say'. "Get the f**king job done Coach!!". That's what she would say. 

None of the race was easy. I was at or just above my limit for nearly 25-minutes! The lungs were on fire and the legs were pleading for mercy by the end. Surprisingly, I got a few 'lifetime' PB power values (well as long as I've been recording them). That was very pleasing!  

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