Tortoise On Her Way

By TortoiseTrainee

When you forget to take the photo...

Two things happened today at work that I meant to snap a photo of for this ‘positives’ blip, but typically I forgot! So here is Lily GrumpyCat being unusually demanding and almost friendly!

Positive 1: The boss organised bacon butties for break time. Fab little morale boost when you’re teaching a key-worker group in a ‘well ventilated’ (aka bloody freezing) classroom and juggling online learning queries all day.

And positive 2? Well, I’m going to blip about tomorrow, as the the story needs telling properly!

The one thing I’ve realised from this specific positives themed blip is that everyday something good does happen. Sometimes big, sometimes small, but it is there.

Here’s hoping 2021 continues this way!

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