Poinsettia ......
...... E. B.
This is the only photo I've taken today, so I'm afraid that's it.
The day has been gloomy wet and generally miserable. ( weather wise)
I had a pleasant Zoom call from Thailand with my friend Mary. We ( or rather she) put the world right talked about her property here and how she wanted it to go on the market . As she doesn't want to come back to England and with the help of a friend and technology trying to clear out things she can do without is proving a bit of a problem. Glad it's not me , I wouldn't know where to start.
Must get in touch with J Lewis tomorrow have a grievance I never thought would occur from them,Hey ho just another thing to sort!
I haven't been out today it wasn't inviting and instead I did a load of washing and ironed it this afternoon. Must get a stroll in tomorrow.
Hope your day has been enjoyably blippers.
Thoughtful ..... for folk that are finding Zoom teaching/ working exhausting .
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