
By Igor

She's leaving home .....

... the car, not Anniemay.

We decided that when we moved to a town, we would no longer have two cars.  And now we don't.  

It's been a long term plan, but like many long term plans, put on hold while we deal with Covid.  But in the end it all happened very quickly.  

Chris knew a dealer who was looking for stock; we sent off a couple of photos and he came back with a silly price and an offer to collect it.  I say 'silly' because it was much higher than we'd been expecting.  

It all feels very grown-up; sensible, I suppose.  We've each had a car all our lives; we were the first in our respective families to own one.  Which made us very 'grown-up' at the time.  

It feels different this time though.  Like moving to a town, it signals the fact that we've reached a stage in our lives where we've gone beyond simply thinking about our long term future, but are now starting to live it.  

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