Radio avtive

Today I had to drive to Glasgow for a hospital appointment. There was little private traffic on the journey down, it was mostly commercial vehicles. Parked the car in city centre carpark & got a crabbit wuman taxi driver to the Royal. Once there instead of making me go on an exercise bike to build up some puff, they decided in their wisdom to inject me with some bloody radio active nuclear stuff! Whew! felt like I was soccer punched by a psychotic cow! Broke out in a sweat, blinding headache and short of breath, thought I was having a heart attack, and looked and felt like a burst sofa! nurse said that's what's supposed to happen! I didnt know trying to kill me was part of the test! Then after the most boring two hours, I had to go in this microwave camera thingy for 10 of the longest minutes ever and it was damn cold!
After that a further  hour of waiting and some other radio active crap, not like the first one thankfully, then more posing for the camera, twice! I lost count of how much radio active stuff they shot into me, I will probably glow in the dark tonight! They said don't go near babies or pregnant women!!
Not sure about the reading material the hospital had! and that hidious pink wall would give you the boak. The car park was so empty I got parked on the ground floor and to be honest there are more folks out in Argyll than there were in the streets of Glasgow. On my way home in darkness, I noticed the amount of private cars on the road was quite heavy so are folks moving around under the cover of darkness. Most were heading South back to the city!
The camera contraption was called Discovery so I might see myself on the Discovery channel who knows. 
Stay safe all

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