Funny cat

A busy today with things planned for the morning. Mollie was able to collect her car at 8 so took herself to work. I drove to Lidl then Morrison's and shopping was done by 9 am. Dentist at 9.20 so I wandered down in to Cromer, then after the appointment I walked back to my car. Noticed QD was open, and although i had planned to avoid any unnecessary shopping, I needed fat balls for the birds. So I went in and bought those and some little dried mealworms as a treat (for the birds, not me!)

Home by 10 and after coffee and a nice cream slice, I got on with my jobs. It feels like I blinked and the day went by in a flash. Most of the jobs, however, went nowhere and I will pick them up again on Saturday. Pleased to get one thing crossed off my bingo card- dusting and decluttering my dressing table. I even parted with earrings and other bits of costume jewellery! But there is still so much decluttering to do. Ralph kept me company. It must be so uncomfortable squeezed onto Jon's shoes, but anything to get close to the radiator! He isn't daft!

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