Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Rain, cold, gloom, doom

Rain all night - and the river level is up. Water everywhere.

Bit of a blue day. Bit low - but I was inspired by several small acts of kindness that I experienced today - the guy fitting my tyres went above and beyond to sort out my car, a kind offer of help from a complete stranger online with a technical problem I was having, and encouragement and kind words from a friend, totally out of the blue.

It's amazing how the smallest act of kindness and the simple effort to say some kind words can make a massive difference to one's day. And it costs nothing.

There was a saying "Carry out random acts of kindness" that was doing the rounds a few years ago. Well, what about deliberate acts of kindness?

I am a great fan of Jordan Peterson - and he asks the question "What would the world be like in 5 years time, if each one of us made it our mission to make our worlds, our little kingdoms, just 1% better every day, no matter what our creed or beliefs or politics?"

Now there's a thought...

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