Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Sadie enjoying my little hobby ..

I am what is known as a taphophile.. a tombstone tourist . Although an atheist I like to read headstones and enjoy the peacefulness of cemeteries . Here in Stratford we have this very beautiful cemetery where there are commonwealth war graves , also as you can see the writer Marie Corelli has a very ornate beautiful angel .
Jim and I have discussed our wishes for when we cark it ... I’ve said no ceremony, cremate me and keep the urn in the downstairs cloakroom . His idea was similar except he said he wouldn’t mind going in the wardrobe as I spend a lot of time in there . It’s important to know what you want... we have put it in writing . I told the kids if anyone tried to bully them into a service that they must play a Sex pistols album at full whack and keep making hand gestures showing that THEY CANNOT HEAR THEM.. they must do that until the person goes away or passes out which ever is soonest .
On another happy note I am really enjoying the replies for films ... let’s often revisit it but today let’s do a book or two you love ... one of my first loves was the wishing tree by Enid Blyton and then a couple of years later Little Women - Louisa May Alcot .. my tastes now vary except I will never ever enjoy pithy chicklit.. I know one shouldn’t threaten to burn books ......... ;-)

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