Friday's painting...


I did buy some nice goodies at the Post Office, yesterday, where I spent a lovely time with the Postmaster, who explained new prices abroad, showed me loads of new stamps (and I bought as much as I could!), and he gave me some freebies. and it worked out cheaper than actually ordering them online from Royal Mail!!! He is getting some new stuff in for me next week :)

So me setting off in that driving rain (in my car obviously), I hadn't realised the bad visibility until I went down the very steep hill. Normally even in bad weather I can see the industrial landscape down below, and it usually takes on magical properties in mists, rain, dawn, and with the twinkling night lights. But yesterday coming to the brow of the steep hill going down, I was faced with total blackness, a void of blackness. Where were the twinkling lights of night? It was scary for a second as I felt I was driving off a cliff into the bottomless abyss. 

When I got back home, I tried to digitally create that in Procreate, and the feeling. I failed miserably.This is what I ended up creating...

EDIT at 10 am... Some extra stuff from this morning...

I had been up very early (3am), finished my digital painting.
Then I wrote out 16 postcards, messages on them, and licked and stuck my brand new fancy stamps from yesterday. A lot of licking, and they are bigger stamps than normal. My lick is not very good and they stuck to my tongue...
Went to catch the 9am post. Tried to get out of the house at 7:30 am..l tried and tried.
The bungalow door wouldn't open.
It had frozen.
WD40, still frozen...
Tried and tried. Finally opened.
Then the gate wouldn't open. The catch had frozen solid. WD40 but the catch refused to unfreeze. A plumbers hammer by now. Still refused to open. Finally pulled both sides of gate open together. Catch is still frozen.
Car. Frozen solid. Doors frozen.
I am watching the guy over the road with a kettle of boiling water, and he is pouring it on the windscreen, locks...and the wing mirrors?!?!?!?
I decided to try the de-icer on the locks and doors...
Guy over the road gets more boiling water...
Finally the de-icer works on my car.
Turn on engine, and watch car from kitchen window.
Guy over the road comes out with a third kettle of boiling water....
I lock up, and get in my car and drive to postbox. I got there for 9:15. No way of telling if post collection has taken place...but I doubt it.
Come back. Guy with kettle of water is finally getting in his car...

I try again with the iron gate, but neither WD40 nor de-icer works. Plumbers hammer again. I give up. Go in kitchen. Make a cuppa. Get in bed with cat. Cat moves away from me, leaving me to de-thaw by myself...

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