
We have apps for everything, practically. What the nation needs is an app for the truth, we are so very split apart: from lies, social media, conspiracy theories - even a horrible, bringing the world to it's knees virus, hasn't been able to unite us.
But, such an app would probably work about like my plant identifying app, Picture This. It's an amazing app, really fun to use, correct much of the time, but not all the time. 
Di and Bar came over for an outside chair visit, always a highlight of my week. Di mentioned seeing a plant with lovely, though way too early buds, at a nearby park. So on my afternoon walk, I found the plant, took this picture of it, and checked to see what my Picture This app had to say about it. It claimed it was a pink azalea. Then, just as I was muttering my doubts about that claim, along came Di on her own afternoon walk. She uses a different app (can't recall which one, but I'll find out) that claims the plant is a viburnum. Which app knows the truth?

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