I got stopped twice on my way out of the house for a walk in the icy sunshine. The first was an hour long call from my friend living on her own with mental health difficulties. Fortunately she's quite well at the moment, but always very loquacious and repetitive. Then as soon as she finished I had a call from my niece to say that sister K, who is taking care of Mum, had a collision in the car this morning and had gone to A&E with a suspected broken wrist. She'd gone out to get some shopping and I gather that a car came towards her on the wrong side and she had to swerve to avoid a head-on, but still got clipped. I've just heard from Mum that she's being kept in so that they can insert a plate and also repair a deep laceration on her thumb. It's her right wrist, but fortunately she is (very) left-handed, if there's anything fortunate about it. Poor K - she's only just got over shingles and was really feeling tired and stressed anyway. I wish I was closer. It's a blessing that Jess and her partner Phil are living there and are both so good and capable with Mum.

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