What a strange day.

It started by going to bed at around 1am, for some peculiar reason my body decided that it wasn't tired and didn't want to sleep. After a day at work I snook out a smidge early to go to Bradgate Park to take February's view. I got home, got my PJs on and shoved my dinner in whist I made a hot chocolate. Then I got a phone call, made a phone call, a car ride with a phone call about a potential FTF that I had to turn down, a pick up from hospital, another car ride to another hospital, back to the other hospital via someone's house than included a chocolate toffee, then to another house, back to the hospital to the first house after a hair raising car journey due to an incompetent taxi drive, back to the hospital and then home to bed just after 11:30 ish.

I could do with an easier Sunday next week.

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