A study in clouds
We were a bit late getting going this morning, as Laura called us while we were having our morning cup of tea, and one rarely has a short conversation with Laura! She’s now half way through her two week quarantine she has to do returning to Kuwait, after spending Christmas with us. Teaching is online, but normally the teachers have to go into the school, but they are being allowed to teach their quarantine period from home. After breakfast we got out for our daily exercise. We’d had some rain overnight, so we decided we would go somewhere with a paved trail, and we chose Otto Armledder Park. The clouds were quite striking, so I decided to make a collage. By the time we finished our walk, however, the clouds had won, and it was trying to snow, so we were out for the best part of the day! I continued taking the Christmas decorations down the rest of the day, did a little reading, and played the piano for a bit.
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