Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Friday — Subtle

The Rock, Morro Rock, is subtly present every where we go when we are in the Estero Bay region of California’s Central Coast.

Today we were at Bluff’s Park and walked south to the Inn at Morro Bay, which is a beautiful facility that is in the final stages of restoration. As we walked back to the park, this view came to my attention.

Once we had the pups back in the car, we followed the road through the State Park Golf Course up to Black Hill. While we were there, we struck-up a conversation with a couple who were traveling on electric bicycles. Our conversation was fun and we learned that they are renting a house in Cayucos for a month and their home is in Durango, CO. We’re hoping to get together with them sometime soon and to share our “sunset view.”

So that’s our Friday, the third Friday of January.

Good night from Cayucos,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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