Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2211. Pearl January 16

So...I am now half way through my challenge to photograph some pearls every day from my own jewellery collection....

These tiny pearl earrings were bought for me by my parents when I got married for the first time in 1979.  The fire opal drops are on a chain that just pops over the post and can be worn on any stud earring.  The fire opal stones came out of a pendant cross I had years ago but didn’t wear so I had these earrings made and a redesigned pendant which I do now wear.

My extra today is a new piece of kit that my hubby has now ordered for me for my birthday in March.  It’s a gimbal for my camera....I bumped into a chap who used to work in our local photo shop but left to work for Sony a few years ago.  He was out walking and trying out this kit filming video....it looks really cool and what I was particularly impressed with is the self levellling and the controls on the stick.  It also doubles as a tripod too.  Sead told me that he’d bought it recently from Wex Photo online and that it was a good price just now...so when we got home after our walk I checked their web site out and found that they still had it in stock at the same price Sead had paid for it...so...found something I wanted for my birthday!

Met up with my step daughter for a walk which was lovely and brought a little bit of much needed normality to our Saturday which was always a family get together day for us...every week....I miss the real get togethers and can’t wait until we can do it again.

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