Now we have everything

By Gembop

Week 33

Our family sponsored by Converse! I snapped this very quickly at Mum and Dad's before we headed back for London. The smaller pair actually belong to my nephew, Ollie, but I've already got a pair for Bump and I can't wait to see them by our front door.

My birthweek festivities continued today as my little sister continued our tradition of taking us to the pictures as my birthday gift (in Premier seats with the snack tray of course ;) . For the last few years we've seen the latest Twilight film, so we were a little sad to watch the final installment today. It had a few surprising moments and we really enjoyed it.

When I got back to my parent's house another present was waiting for me - complete with balloon. It was a gorgeous bracelet from my best friend, Carrie.

We headed back to London in the evening and waiting on the doorstep (thanks Mr Postman?!) was a big box containing a beautiful bouquet, chocolates and another big balloon from my brother, his partner and my niece! I really am a very lucky girl with the most amazing friends and family.

Speaking of which, at 33 weeks Bump is clocking in at five pounds and his fingernails have now reached the tips of his fingers. His boy bits are also starting to descend. He's still making his presence known. I felt him jump when there was a loud bang in the movie earlier today, bless!

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