blur of blading

Eve finally plucked up the courage to give her Christmas roller blades a whirl - it was really interesting to watch the emotional journey through terror and courage to pride and back to fear when she lost control. I was impressed she stuck with it and glad that Antony was there to teach her as I have no natural skills when it comes to balance and speed.

Today also involved the longest sleep I’ve ever had as an adult (when not pregnant). Antony decided to give me the full freshers experience and kept the cat and children away when everyone woke up. I think he thought I’d naturally surface at 9ish. In fact I naturally surfaced at 10:53.... I’m half embarrassed and half delighted.


1. An adoption party on zoom tonight - I’m not a huge fan of constant video calls but I really appreciate being able to still come together in the big moments;
2. Isaac’s continuing obsession with being tickled - it’s hard to stay serious when tickling;
3. Eve’s determination and Zeke’s encouragement of her.

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