Hives and blue sky

Dog walking round the streets with eco mum.

Chores as requested by eco mum.

Out to bees in the west. Went to local bee hut to get fondant just in case.

Checked all the hives, most ok and bees not needing fondant. One hive a bit messy with bee poo but bees still alive. A mouse in the Glen hive so set a trap the bees seem to be OK.

Quick outside chat with laird, the trap camera set again.

Next to new apiary. All doing OK just checking they did not need fondant.

Over to Mr Wilsons to drop off his black bun and honey. Good chat outside.

Allotment visit to get leeks, tatties and beetroot.


The youngsters made dinner.

I lit the fire for there evening chat outside.

Food shop.

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