
By MarilynParker

The bridge

I was hoping to cross this bridge but it was too flooded. I've never seen the bridge completely flooded before. If we don't have any more rain for a month it will be better!
Today, in the woodland, I saw daffodils with a tinge of yellow on the not yet opened flowers and bluebells (leaves only) had pushed through. Maybe spring will come early - I hope so.
I saw a new pond in the woodland and there was a lot of mud and soggy fields. I trod very carefully so as not to splash mud all over me but still arrived home with it up my thighs. The wellies are caked in it. Having seen a lot of dogs today, I am glad I don't have to clean the mud off one. All the dogs seem to be enjoying the mud sliding!
Feeling pleased that it has not rained today and I got the washing pegged out!
Also feeling pretty positive to hear that more than a third of over 80s have already had their first vaccinations.St Helens mass vaccination centre did over 1,000 jabs yesterday. They realised that they were going to have 100 doses left so they rang people to get theirs at short notice so as not to waste it - great effort.

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