EB Mono

What a muddled end to what started as a good day.
Got all of my banking and emails done early.  Fitted the new oil-tank level gauge with little/no problem, and even ordered a replacement tank vent.
I took ‘one for the camera’ of what I was thinking was the next stage of last Tuesday’s blip - WRONG!
Tesco’s delivery was missing the litre bottle of Famous Grouse.
When I went to use the ‘one for the camera’ it was rubbish - un saveable:
However :-
The Tesco man returned half an hour later - our Famous Grouse was in the next delivery’s box (and she didn’t want it!!!???).  As he could not uncredit the bottle we have a freebie.
I managed to turn the ‘one for the camera’ into a silhouette of sorts, it’s the next stage of the, not the next stage of the Tiny Tuesday shot which was the grape hyacinth.  This being achieved with the added annoyance of PS completely resetting itself for some unknown reason!
Now I want my dinner

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