Evening routine
No photo's of the boys today - so it's one of the evening routine... Watched TV on Saturday evening whilst I did the ironing.
The youngest is finding home schooling hard 'it's boring' is the frequent lament, and much coaxing needed to get him in front of the computer for lessons. That said, his maths is doing well. They don't get this maths gene from me!
Eldest is powering through his work and most days gets everything done that has been set. It's hard work for us, but rewarding.
Desperately hoping schools open after half term though - they need to get back with their friends!
Today I'm grateful for:
The youngest who comes up with a new way of quashing the virus on a daily basis (take it to the dump and make it into something new was today's gem).
The Africa school topic for the eldest, he is understandably very engaged with it.
A fantastic book as a song by the school bursar, I thought it would be cringe worthy, it's one of the best things I've seen in a long time.
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