Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Industrial Park

A quieter work day for me, in that I didn't have to do any synchronous online work, but double-marked assignments and familiarised myself with the trainees' lessons for Wed, Thursday and Friday, while I'll be planning with them from tomorrow. The material for the lessons is different from previous months, so i do need to know the material myself first!

A walk with Bb at night, almost 12,000 steps. Had some fun at night making up a wee online pressie for a friend, then dinner of egg fried with vegetables and prawns. Not as good as last Monday's first attempt. We think we'll stick to chicken or just veggies from now on. Not sure what I did differently, but it seemed a little oiler or just less dry and less fried than last week's. Ho hum. I'll keep practising!

My blip's of the Parque Industrial in Sants. There's water in the foreground. We couldn't help up think that there were too many people altogether there. There's talk that our current curfew of 10pm till 6am might be extended to 8pm till 6am. It will be announced on Wednesday. We'd really feel that as we often have a decent walk at night.

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