My new favourite trip

Cherry Willingham Co-op pharmacy. Not favourite as in "I love it" but as in "most frequent". Was here to pick up third course of antibiotics, hopefully last. Think there's definitely more to it than just an infection though - and following my x-ray GP has booked me in tomorrow for a "full MOT" as he calls it... EGC, blood sample, blood pressure, chloresterol, diabetes test, check for asthma, etc. On the one hand I hope they get to the bottom of things, on the other hand I already know the "solution" and I don't want to hear it: diet, exercise, less booze...
Anyhow, let's see what they find first (:
Some people were concerned I hadn't spoken to anyone on Saturday - I wasn't bothered really, just thought it was a sign of the times - wonder if I have ever spent a day previously in my life without talking to another human all day, not even on the phone? But to reassure you, tomorrow's appointment at the GP means that will be 4 days in a row seeing someone in the flesh and socially interacting with them! - Ady and Kate on Sunday, then went for socially distanced walk in the woods with Mike yesterday, today to the pharmacy (quite a long chat with "Mrs Tishell" - you know I earned £40 too much in December to get free prescriptions :/ - partly hope I need more medication next month as January earnings will definitely be below the threshold!!).

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