Change of plan

Yesterday I was wondering what to plant in a new north facing flower bed. Problem solved, after last night I now have a water feature rather than a proposed flower bed. Thanks for all your suggestions of suitable plants I will now be looking for goldfish and water lilies instead of hardy perennials.
This is the T-junction just outside the village. The pit to the side of the road is full and has overflowed into the field, making an impressive lake; this is where the majority of water is coming from. The road is totally covered with water but fortunately the drain is working well to clear it.
It did come down a lot during the night and has been windy. I spent time securing the hen tent. If it gets blown away now it will have to take three apple trees with it. 
The weather man says we are in for a storm and a lot of rain tonight. Not sure what we have been having in the last 24 hours but, what ever it was, tonight will be worse.
Oh Joy

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