Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Rawr - I'm a Panther!

Loki posing in a maple tree that I loved to climb as a kid. Mr. Badger went to a LAN party for the weekend, and I stayed at my parents' house. My sister Jess ended up coming over and we hung out/shopped. I ended up finding a pair of stools that I absolutely loved, but I thought it was silly to get them. Later on, my Mum convinced me to go back and take another look (she loves chairs!) since I have been looking for a pair of stools since we moved into our place over 5 years ago. I grabbed them after sitting in them and finding them to be very comfortable. Now I just need to wait for a visit from my parents so that they can bring the chairs with them ;)

We also had discussions with my parents about what to do for their range. It malfunctioned a couple of weeks ago - the oven's element would turn on, by itself, and stay on at the hottest temperature possible. Very dangerous! My Dad was able to pull out the fuses for the oven so they could still use the cooktop, but not a permanent solution. We took a look at some ranges on our shopping excursion to get some ideas and research them.

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