One year on

Looking back at my Blip for the third Saturday in January, one year ago: Dan had taken the train down to RNCM in Manchester for his weekly day at college, Abi will have worked in the afternoon - although I don't mention that - and had a party in the evening. Dean came up for a walk in the afternoon and then the Minx cooked us fajitas for dinner in the evening.

I also don't mention it, but I will have been, as usual, unhappy about Brexit and probably still getting over the Tory election win. I expect I felt that things couldn't get much worse. *hollow laughter*

What a difference a year makes.

Here we are, 'locked down' and 'self-isolating', two concepts that didn't feature in our lives on the twentieth of January, 2020. The only legitimate reasons for leaving my own home today are to exercise (I didn't) and shopping (I did). In order to go in the shop, and just like everyone else, I had to wear a mask over my face.*

And yet, all that said, despite how bad it looks on 'paper', the mood in the house is quite remarkably upbeat. There is good cheer and laughter, and something approaching a happy routine. It's been a very pleasant surprise and I'm delighted by how Dan and Abi have rolled with the situation.

This is only the second time I've made scones for us, so that's not quite routine yet, but it's still a very nice way to start a Saturday.

*To be clear, I am entirely in favour of these restrictions!

PS Today is the ninth birthday of my daily blog. (The first year was on Tumblr.)

Reading: 'Mayflies' Andrew O'Hagan

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