
By AnnieBScotland

Happy Hour!

One of my daughter's friends kindly let me visit to practice some people shots, which I'm not very good at. This is baby Charolotte, six months old and exhausted after her photo shoot!!

I did a lot of homework and look lots of photos but still feel I got mostly snaps. but it is a start. And Charlotte's dad forgot his laptop and had to come home, so I was able to take some family photos for them which was nice.

Even though the sun is shining I have spent a happy hour and more cropping, desaturating, and even on this photo, snot removal - yes you did read that right, there was a tiny bit of dried snot on lovely Charlotte's face which I managed to remove!!

Now I must get out into the fresh air and do a bit of gardening.

hope everyone is enjoying this sunshine. if you have none down south, sorry!!!

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