Wednesday's painting...
...I actually woke up having a mental rant in my head?!?!?
This was 1:30 am!
I had gone to bed last night early...5 pm (so I have had 8 hours sleep), because the storm that hit the front of my bungalow was particularly vicious. It was scary. The whole bungalow shook. My bedroom is at the back so it was calmer there.
I got up at 2 am in the end, because my head was still in full rant about lockdowns, the apparent uselessness of them. My brain was saying "Poppyc0ck" (just thought I would alter that o to 0 in case...) to the whole subject of lockdowns. Last night before I went to bed I had checked a vulnerable wood fence. It was going in the stormy winds. It needs repairing, but depends what is left of it today. I need wood. Is wood in essential food supplies list? I suspect not. But I WILL find a timber yard later today, and they WILL sell me the timber I need, and cut it, and SELL me the fittings I need. Then my brain carries on the these people like the prime minister etc etc who comes up with lockdown ideas of essential food supplies only for us lowly plebs? Do they not realise we need to do these essential maintenance repairs? I cannot afford to get someone out to deal with this (who can access these supplies) after that expensive (to me) Monday with the roof. Well my rant went on and on...
2am I got up. I am all tensed up. I need to chill. Make a cuppa, sorted some postcards, placed bids for more, negotiated with my postcard supplier that I don't need to pay him for over a month, he will hold the postcards until I can get the funds together for that. Yes, I know it is still early hours (3:43 am now), but when I want to do something I want to do and sort it NOW. I got a response (I must have woke him up, but he does deal internationally so...) and he is happy to hold any winning bids I make until I can pay for them. So at least I can have a bit of excitement in my life until I get this money stuff back in the black again.
January is always a bad month for money for me. The timing of some things which I cannot alter.
Just done this painting in Procreate. I was thinking Vincent Van Gogh, and that starry night thing. But I end up doing flowers in the sky. Huh? That wasn't my intention...
Another coffee now and what else can I get done NOW this minute...
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