
So how did I end up here? I know family know most of the story anyway so I'll keep it brief...
Had my GP appointment 8.30am... swift and efficient, as before - but x-ray result from last week plus ECG result plus blood pressure on high side plus pulse high too meant that the GP, having deliberated for a while, decided to "play it safe" and get me admitted to hospital for further tests... so ambulance called, and a little after 9am I was admitted to the non-covid section of A&E... After various tests and another x-ray, overseen by Ecuadorian consultant (my family lived in Ecuador so chatted a bit about that - AmandoAlentejo and BGLeyna both born there), he told me I could go home soon, but they'd get me back in as an outpatient for MRI scan etc... Then a little while later he changed his mind: seeing as I was here, might as well get it done tomorrow... so after being shifted from pillar to post all day, at 11.45pm I have finally been admitted to Meau ward for the night...
Best thing about the day: being looked after by people from all over the world: as well as Ecuador I had Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Poland, and somewhere in the Middle East (didn't get a chance to ask where as he had to rush off).
Worst thing about the day: the two covid tests administered by one of the nurses - just about managed to avoid vomiting, but I was in tears!! - the nose twirling the worst this time!! Though the food was if anything worse than anticipated - fortunately I had a bacon sandwich before my GP appointment because all I was given in the hospital was two dry brown sandwiches (dry grated cheese and slimy tuna) - and I only got those by asking!!
Word of advice: permanently carry your phone charger and plug with you, just in case you get admitted to hospital unexpectedly - you have no chance of finding a way to get your phone charged otherwise (I've begged patient opposite to borrow his while nobody was looking - strictly against protocol to share items in these times of covid...)

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