The other photo ...

Thankfully I did take another pic today!

My original entry for today was taken down as I violated copyright laws with images from the tele. All sorted with Blipfoto, they really are treasures, and I can upload another photo. Here’s my write up from yesterday.

We were excited about the events of today. I remember when I was a young girl, the Vice President running mate of Walter Mondale was a lady called Geraldine Ferraro, and I was so disappointed that they weren’t elected.

It’s taken America nearly 40 years to finally elect a women into the the office! Sure the other candidates weren’t the right ones, and I really don’t know much about Kamala Harris, but I know she’s tough! And she’s up to this job and has the experience for it.

So we wish her and Joe Biden the very best! Let the healing begin!

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