Nobody in this house got much sleep last night. Chaiyya and Rani were definitely feeling better after a few hours at home.
We had planned on keeping them in my office over night, but they escaped with amazing speed once I opened the door to get them their allowed spoonful of food. They weren't supposed to eat much, but that little bit was gone in seconds. Later, someone (probably Rani) stole the leftovers of Munni's dinner from a windowsill that I had - wrongly - considered high enough to be safe.
They are not happy about the cones. At first they didn't seem to recognize each other and hissed at the stranger with that strange blue mane, but some sniffing and licking later, things were back to normal.
All through the night, they needed attention and reassurance. As usual, Rani mostly stayed close to me, and Munni (the cat) went to ask P for cuddles.
Our little Chaiyya couldn't quite decide which human to go to, so she flopped down on me and purred into my face for the first part of the night, and then repeated the performance with P, keeping us both awake for hours.
Tonight (we hope) will be better...
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