
By Shonie

As Good As New

Bailey boy has finally had a haircut! We had to change his appointment as Mr Ts shifts were changed. But he was rebooked in for this morning and has returned to us trimmed, washed and buffed!
He has a little happy spring in his step and smells much nicer than when he left.
Nikita doesn't ever need a haircut but now I think that she is definitely in need of a bath!
Now that will be interesting. Maybe when I have more energy....
I have been unwell for a few days with an ear and chest infection, managed to get an appointment yesterday and my blood sugars were high and I had a trace of keytone so that all needs watched.
She also pounced on me for a rather large blood test, I admit I'm not the best at this. The last time I was in the hospital they found it hard to get a vein so often have to use my hands. This is so painful (my pinky knuckle was one target) that I never feel faint but if I'm sitting upright and they take alot I can go abit whoozy... So on bottle number 5 of blood I felt like I was about to go! Logs has never fainted and doesn't understand how you can feel it... I'm a prone fainter and know when I'm about to 'go'.
It's nothing to do with pain, I just hate the feeling of it leaving my body. As strange as that sounds.
But she got her 5 little bottles and I got shoved on my back Asap - so we caught it. Just!
Antibiotics and a bottle of water later I had to head to uni, could have really done without... But really couldn't skip. The room happened to be roasting! Which didn't help!
Afterwards I needed some food pronto so met the hubby and had some lunch.
I feel so sorry for him sometimes, my crappy immune system seems to have been playing up since September and its been one thing after another.
I'm lucky he loves me... Can't imagine too many men putting up with a sickly useless Mrs all the time!
Anyway I'm off for a cuppa! And to admire my handsome Bailey abit more :)

S x

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