Porthgwidden Beach

Today I have been very irritating?!! At least that's what Ann says. Mostly I'm a very well behaved, lovable little collie, but every now and again I have a day when I do one naughty thing after another. I don't pay any attention to what Ann is telling me and just do mad crazy things.

If anyone out there in Blipland wants me ......................... apparently they can have me?!!!!

I've barked at buses, I've gone mad at skateboarders and tried to chase them, I've been nasty to a couple of other dogs that I don't like, I've been in a totally hyper mood in the house and won't just lie down nicely, I've tipped all my toys out of my toy basket and then didn't bother to play with them nor did I put them away, I was having a little snooze on the sofa when Ann came home from work instead of being in my own comfy bed, I've barked at people who dared to visit the neighbours, I keep asking to go out to play on the sun terrace and because it's so cold Ann shuts the door on me so then I want to come straight back in. The list of my irritating behaviour is endless.

........................And then ........................ I got taken on a walk along all the beaches in St Ives this afternoon and when we got to 'Porthgwidden Beach' Ann said, 'Blip time Molly, I need you to pose beautifully for another of our 'Cornish P' blips'. So what did I do? Jumped up onto a picnic table and stood on the top of it. Well that's hardly the bestest behaviour of a polite little collie is it? Ann said if the 'Beach Bar' had been open she would have been straight in there for a glass of wine because I'm driving her mad today?!!!!

Tomorrow she's got a lot of painting to do and when she's done that she's promised to take me out somewhere for the rest of the day. So that I don't plonk myself down next to something she's just painted!!! Because I've been so irritating she's now threatening to leave me in the car and just go somewhere nice herself.

..........................Well I don't want that. Sooooooooo I'm now lying on the rug with my head resting on my squeaky reindeer. I look ever so cute and Ann has just given me a cuddle and told me I'm the best little collie in the world!

Yay; she loves me ......................... I'm not going to be given away after all!!!

To see Porthallow - Cornish P31 - Look here.

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