Shoveling and Snow drifting

Hubby left to Lahti for a winter ski competition. The annual tv-compound will be built in snowy conditions again, but the competition will be held without the audience, I believe.

It was snowing every time as I looked out today.

After work some snow shoveling excersicing on the front yard. There was 7cm pure and light new snow delivered on the cars and on the ground, everywhere. It took me 50minutes to clean the cars and yard. A sweaty job, even if was quite a fresh air, - 7c and windy. Snow whirlwinding around. Exotic, eh?

Later a nice walking in high esker of Teivaala with my daughter (extra) and fetching some forgotten groceries from the supermarket (the smaller parking lot in the blip). A lot of non-ploughed snow piled by wind and traffic on the streets. I had to concentrate on driving more than usually. The car easily moves and slides like somekind of a sledge.

Actually it was nice to learn moves and turns earlier on empty parking lot of the Teivaala esker. I could not help, I just had to test myself and drift a little! You learn how to drive in slippery and snow only by trying and playing. Our white car in the middle of the blip is new to me (first one with automatic gears) and the weather was excellent for learning to drive it in bad conditions. Good feeling now, as I learned a bit from the moving of this car.

My son had been in his brazilian jujitsu rehearsal today after the Corona break of this area. Nice that he could continue it, but I wonder for how long... Only three persons there at the same time, he told. Instead of normal six, but still.

Hope you are doing fine and managed in reading this far!

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