All KInds of Everything, Remind me...
Apologies for the really bad photograph today.
I was so determined to take a photograph with my camera today - but when i got ready to take it - it was dark, so I aimed out the back, where i knew the snowdrops were, and magically got them.... but sadly also with some unknown big black ball also
I'm hopeful it is a petrified apple, I'm fearful its a big poo.
I love when the snowdrops come up - spring is closer. Something is closer. They are a sign of hope. I hope.
They are also a sign that my cultivation of them did not let me down. These ones I dug up from a field entrance... they were being stood on and trampled on and driven over, so I took my trusty tool from the back of the car (i always like to make sure I have some kind of tool in there. ) and dug them up.
That was about five years ago - and two years ago I split them into four. There are only three showing, I'm hoping the fourth will come up soon.
I think also, that I may go out and cultivate some more.
Himself had to go to work today. I made him wash when he came in. It felt very weird him not being here.
He's out again tomorrow. I hope that will be it. I prefer to have people I love safe.
Tooli is working very hard in Oxford. Teaching lots of classes on line and enjoying being a teacher. Boy and J are exercising hard.... and already - we are back to Friday tomorrow, so they will be teaching.
And Finally....
The Year End is DONE.
The Budget is Complete.
I just have to get the furlough claims and salaries completed and I'm sorted.
yay for the weekend.
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