Prison / Hospital (cont.)

I'm not serious... it's OK... and not the NHS's fault that Liverpool lost at home tonight for the first time in 68 games (almost 4 years!)... to the mighty all- conquering Burnley!! :/ That certainly hasn't brightened my mood...
So let's look for "silver linings":
(1) the love, interest and care shown by my family and friends - has been quite touching tbh...
(2) the "detox spa" - as my sister and ex-wife (that's two different people btw!) encouraged me to think of it - hasn't been too painful... perhaps I might carry on with very small portion sizes and only one proper meal a day - and no booze - when I get home... Blip was my lunch (when the main meal is served) - actually quite tasty to be fair!
(3) I sold my first case of wine of the year from my hospital bed - quite funny!
(4) My daughters obviously aren't as anxious people as I thought, seeing as they've made no attempt to contact me ;D (that's a laughing wink for those not fluent in emojis)
(5) I slept quite well last night, feel I will again tonight... partly due to...
(6) I feel healthier and more comfortable than for weeks - tightness in chest and difficulty breathing basically gone (due to diuretic allowing the blood / fluid to flow more easily without the extreme strain on my heart, it would seem).
This morning in my 96 seconds with the Dr I was able to ascertain I'll be here till Saturday most probably... not a joyful thought but at least I know now...
This evening I was moved ward again - nurse in my original ward said "to keep things flowing", whatever that means. The nurse in new ward seems much more clued up, he explained that as I'm low risk and low maintenance I'm always first in line to get moved about - not good to move patients with complex needs in case something gets missed in the handover... which makes sense I guess... He also checked I knew what was happening next - which I don't of course!! - so he looked through my notes, which says I am due an "echo" (see if interested) but no mention of any MRI...

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