A right Horlicks

In brief, echocardiogram showed complications, ie heart not pumping properly - so more drugs prescribed, keeping me in longer for more monitoring... ah well, best they get to the bottom of it I guess... This was fed back to me via my 4th different Dr - this time Egyptian (:
Not feeling brill tonight - as in a bit mis about longer imprisonment, plus coughing, aching more, breathlessness back a bit, canula insertion area is badly bruised... But hey, I've not had to call my family and tell them I have terminal cancer due to an aggressive tumour which has spread to my bones, like the gentleman in the bed just along from me had to... His consultant (at a guess, English boarding school educated Ghanaian) was lovely with him - clear, calm, not mixing his words, gave him plenty of time for questions - and the nurse went back 10 mins later to see how he was and if he needed anything...
And the chap in the bed next to me has GIVEN me a spare charger plug so no more worries there, which is a great relief.
Even heard (very briefly - 2 line WhatsApp message) from both my daughters.
Latvian lady bringing drinks round specially went back and made me a Horlicks when I enquired if there was any.
Enjoy your weekend, those few of you who have such a thing (can only actually think of Janetchie and LincolnWarrior for whom "weekend" is a relevant concept!! - the rest of you work weekends, are retired, work irregular shifts, etc...).

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